So something quite unfortunate has happened at my house. Someone so humbly decided they needed a few things more than we did. Thursday April 10 ,2009 we arrived home from one of our many ball games and amongst the caos of unloading children, school bags and baseball equipment we forgot to lock the doors on my van. The next day Friday April 11, 2009 Jared decided he was going to drive my van to work and I had the day off and a dr.'s appointment so I would take his car.
I went about my day and Jared his. Later that day Jared received a call from a good friend and baseball coach, he was short some players and wanted to know if Tre' could come play with the Jr.'s that night. We said "but of course." Later that night we headed to the ball field and sat in the afull wind. Towards the end of the game I got tired of listening to Tatum whining about being cold so I took her and Tucker to the car to get warm. Tucker had been sitting in the car most of the evening. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that the car tv was missing on the head rest so I looked behind me to see if the other one was there, nope. I asked Tucker if he had moved them so he could watch a movie. He said no, I told him it was ok if he did and was adimit about not touching it. Then it hit me. My pride and joy (my Sony DSLR camera) was not there either. I asked Tucker to look behind the back seat to see if I left it in the very back of the van (knowing I did not but hoping that I was loosing my mind and forgot that I did). To no avail it was not there. I started rummaging for Tre's PSP and nope it was gone too. Soooo the bandit made off good. They took both dvd monitors, my beautiful camera with zoom lens and bag, and Tre's PSP. How sad I am that my lovely camera is gone. To the person that took my camera, I would be indeed grateful if it showed up one day on my door step.
Farewell my love.
I need to replace it badly. Any suggetions on what to go with?
Christmas 2009
15 years ago
I feel your pain sister:)
You can always come and borrow mine if you need to!!!
I hope the person who took it - get's a cramp somewhere where it would hurt tremendously...
Happy Thursday :)
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