Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tatum's Gradutation

Today was Tatum's Kindergarten graduation. The teachers did so well organizing this event. All of the kids wore a little graduation hat made out of felt. Lifetouch photography provided all students with a little graduation certificate and photo in a little diploma type book. All students received their "diploma" and then they sang a cute song about first grade to the tune of "New York, New York." It was so cute I wanted to add the words.

First Grade, First Grade
(Sing to the tune of “New York, New York”)

Start spreading the news.
We're leaving today.
We want to be a part of it,
First Grade, First Grade.

We're ready to go.
We've worked very hard.
We want to be a part of it,
First Grade, First Grade.

We know our ABCs and 123s so well.
We've worked at sounding out words
And stories to tell.

Just ask us to rhyme.
We'll say "tens" and "pens".
We've learned to share and get along
With all our friends.

So now we've made it here,
We'll make it anywhere.
We're on our way
First Grade, First Grade.

Also are a few pictures of Tatum at graduation. I am a little partial, she was the prettiest one there.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

School Is Almost out :(

Well school is almost out for the summer. I am sure the kids are looking forward to it, however I am not. I am not ready to hear the "mom I am bored" line just yet. I am hoping that they will get to go spend some time up north with the grandparents. Tre' has been itching to go see them and be able to roam the mountains at Grandma & Grandpa Biglers's and the river at Grandma & Grandpa Baker's. Before they get to fill my house with noise and laughter all day for 7 weeks we are going to make a trip to the Grand Canyon. Tre' has a scout camp there and he can not stay over night if his dad does not go so needless to say Jared, Tre' and I will be spending Memorial Day weekend there trying to stay warm. We have looked at the forecast for the weekend and it is supposed to be in the mid 50's during the day and the mid to high 20's and night with a chance of snow. And if any of you know me very well you all know how much I hate be cold and am not a big fan of the wet cold snow. Tucker and Tatum will be spending the weekend with their Baker grandparents, they have cousins in town and wanted to be able to play with them. Tatum will be graduating from Kindergarten on the 28th of May and her school had a photographer come and take pictures of them in a cap and gown. They turned out so cute that of course I had to buy them. I also put her hair in buns on Sunday and the only way I could get her to let me leave them in is if I took pictures of her and took her mind off of her not "liking buns in my hair mom." They turned out cute as well so I just have to post them. I hope you all have a safe and good and warm Memorial weekend.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Women's Conference

Wow what a way to get invigorated and receive a boost. The conference was great. I attended 3 classes on Thursday and Friday. There was a humanitarian project on Thursday evening that we all participated. What great members we have. We filled 20,000 hygiene kits. There was also baby kits, and school bags put together. One of the volunteers told us that in some countries children could not go to school unless they had their own paper and pencils. There was a little boy that had one piece of paper and every day would write notes on it then go home and carefully erase it so he could use it again the next day. How blessed we are to live in the United States. There was a concert after the project and it was great! On Friday our closing speaker was Pres. Monson. He has always been my favorite. What a wonderful man he is and what great advice he gave us. Thanks Mom, Deni, and Jessica for going with me. I think I might have to make this a yearly thing. I felt so ready to take on the world when it was over. Mom and Jess, thanks for making the drive with me, it made it go by a lot faster. Till next year girls!!