Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tatum's Gradutation

Today was Tatum's Kindergarten graduation. The teachers did so well organizing this event. All of the kids wore a little graduation hat made out of felt. Lifetouch photography provided all students with a little graduation certificate and photo in a little diploma type book. All students received their "diploma" and then they sang a cute song about first grade to the tune of "New York, New York." It was so cute I wanted to add the words.

First Grade, First Grade
(Sing to the tune of “New York, New York”)

Start spreading the news.
We're leaving today.
We want to be a part of it,
First Grade, First Grade.

We're ready to go.
We've worked very hard.
We want to be a part of it,
First Grade, First Grade.

We know our ABCs and 123s so well.
We've worked at sounding out words
And stories to tell.

Just ask us to rhyme.
We'll say "tens" and "pens".
We've learned to share and get along
With all our friends.

So now we've made it here,
We'll make it anywhere.
We're on our way
First Grade, First Grade.

Also are a few pictures of Tatum at graduation. I am a little partial, she was the prettiest one there.


Deni said...

That sure is a pretty graduate. Congratulations Tatum. Have a fun summer and good luck in 1st Grade.


Aunt Deni

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! Those are some cute pics.

H said...

Love the slide show. That's pretty high tech...
I bet the song was hilarious!

Cara said...

How funny are those cute little kiddos. I am sure Tatum was the prettiest little girl there. :) WE aren't bias at all are we? :) OH and Gina said she saw you guys there too.

Hannah + 4 said...

Your kids are hilarious! They were crackin me up and grandma/grandpa bakers. Tatum is so cute! I loved her little cheers